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Aug. 26, 2015
Town of Princeton, Mass.   ---          August  26, 2015

PLANNING BOARD  – Minutes  -- Regular Meeting

7:35 PM  The meeting was opened by John Mirick. Also present were:
Tom Sullivan, Rud Mason & Ann Neuburg as alternate. Absent were Chairman Tom Daly & Richard Bisk
        Fire Chief John Bennett and Police Chief Michele powers were in to explain the benefit of allowing Verizon to co-locate some cellular receivers on the new public safety communications tower. Their departments use Verizon cell service and this would improve signal strength. Also, traditional 2-way radio systems are phasing out in favor of cell phones. They noted that the tower was engineered to hold additional equipment such as antennae or receivers, and the equipment shack has enough space to accommodate additional users. Additionally, a tenant using space on the tower would pay rent to the town.
        The issue is a “no commercial use” condition in the tower’s special permit from the Planning Board, although the Pl. Bd. may be able to amend that. However, John M. noted that the zoning bylaw for telecomm towers includes design criteria which may or may not apply in this case. Also, state procurement law would require that the proposal go out to bid. John M. will query town counsel on the legality of allowing use of the public safety tower for a commercial vendor.

8 PM  Board reviewed maps of the Bus./Industrial zones to determine if setbacks as outlined in the proposed “Adult Entertainment” zoning were practical. John M. had drafted some bylaws and restricted Adult Uses to just the Bus./Ind. Zones in town, with a number of setback requirements to facilities such as schools, churches and residences. The group identified potential parcels that seemed large enough to accommodate these setbacks, but a more careful measurement would be needed. That analysis will be addressed at the next meeting.

Administrative Business
Board voted all in favor to approve July 22, 2015 regular meeting minutes; reviewed mail.

8:25 PM  Board voted all in favor to adjourn.  

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, Admin. Assistant

Referenced Documents:   Zoning maps; draft zoning bylaws for “Adult uses”

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department